About the group:
AMCON Tucson is a community which works to provide training to our members on various topics of personal preparedness and to connect pro-America people in the Tucson area with each other. We are not officially affiliated with the national American Contingency organization, but generally support the mission as stated by Mike Glover. We are not a militia or a political activism organization.
Email: [email protected]
Upcoming events:
03/06/2021 @ 09:00:
What: Solar Power discussion
Where: (See link)
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/477938/saturday-event-solar-power
Personal Preparedness Information:
Below are links to some of the topics we have covered already and will continue to cover. As a member of this group, we want you to take the initiative for your personal preparedness when it comes to water, food, and communications equipment. That means you should find a way to have at minimum:
- 25 gallons of water per person.
- 2 weeks of stored food per person.
- A HAM radio for each family or group that plans to be together during an emergency situation.
- A Technician level HAM radio license for one person within each family or group.
- Backup solar power “Level 1” (at least) to charge communication devices.
If you have issues with any of these requirements for any reason, please let us know and we will do our best to help you get there. The information in each of the posts below will also help.
Storage techniques: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/141373/notes-on-sundays-training
HAM radio basic hardware:
Getting your HAM license:
We are going to be working on these topics, along with basic “Stop the Bleed” style emergency medic practice, repeatedly moving forward. We’ll stick to the basics mostly but we have experts in each of these areas who can help you go further when you are ready.
More info on these and other topics:
More Radio Info:
Help spread the word about preparedness and our group:
More about water:
Water Filtration: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/145790/large-scale-water-purification
Food Storage and Prep:
Next-level storage techniques: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/145768/diy-freeze-dryer
Preparing beans: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/145151/beans-beans-good-for-the-heart
Emergency Medical Training Videos:
AMCON first aid kit list:
Gasoline Storage:
Info on some ultra-cheap ways to prep:
Past events:
What: Recap and Discussion of the General Meeting
Where: (See link)
What: General Meeting
Notes: Private event for known members
02/13/2021 @ 09:00:
What: Volunteering / Learning with a farming non-profit
Where: (See link)
Notes: Bring a shovel if you have one!
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/419782/saturday-event-volunteering-learning-opportunity
02/06/2021 @ 09:00:
What: Discussion on growing food
Where: (See link)
Notes: Another new location this week.
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/402537/saturday-event-start-growing-some-food
AAR: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/416033/aar-06-feb-2021
01/30/2021 @ 09:00:
What: Food canning techniques!
Where: (See link)
Notes: Another new location this week.
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/381429/saturday-event-introduction-to-canning-foods
AAR: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/395813/aar-30-jan-2021
01/23/2021 @ 09:00:
What: Back to the basics of preparedness
Where: (See link)
Notes: New location this week.
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/365341/saturday-event-some-basics-of-preparedness
01/16/2021 @ 09:00:
What: Internet Communications and Security
Where: (See link)
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/339854/saturday-event-internet-communications-and-security
AAR: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/351782/january-16th-event-notes
11/21/2020 @ 09:00:
What: Home Security and Hardening Techniques
Where: (See link)
Notes: An intro to thinking about hardening your home against crime and more.
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/238901/home-security-and-hardening-techniques
AAR: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/246049/aar-nov-21-2020
11/14/2020 @ 09:00:
What: Vests, armor, and gear selection and setup
Where: (See link)
Notes: Come learn about body armor, plate carriers, and other non-firearm gear setup.
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/225725/vests-armor-and-gear-selection-and-setup
AAR: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/232693/aar-nov-14-2020
11/07/2020 @ 09:00:
What: Every day carry gear selection and setup w/ @DL85
Where: (See link)
Notes: Come out to share knowledge on how to select gear to carry with you daily, or to have in a bag for your vehicle!
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/209007/edc-gear-selection-and-setup
AAR: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/219589/aar-meeting-saturday-november-7th-2020
11/01/2020 @ 07:30:
What: Carpool to AMCON first aid training event
Where: (See link)
Notes: This is a paid AMCON national event, and you have to sign up in advance for it.
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/178898/amcon-first-aid-training-november-1st
10/31/2020 @ 07:30:
What: Desert Food Gardening
Where: (See link)
Notes: Email me if you can help teach this one!
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/195853/desert-food-gardening-intro-this-saturday
10/24/2020 @ 07:30:
What: Stop the Bleed style medical training and practice
Where: (See link)
Notes: This event is going to be a refresher and chance to practice for those who’ve already been to our earlier class on this topic.
10/17/2020 @ 3:00 PM:
What: Map and Compass Navigation with @TCAZ09
Where: (See link)
Notes: Bring your maps and compasses for an introduction to navigation techniques!
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/175037/navigation-techniques-this-saturday
10/10/2020 @ 07:30:
What: Solar Power Introduction with LateToTheParty
Where: (See link)
Notes: This is intended to be an overview and a chance for people to ask questions to those in the group who already have some solar set up.
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/166055/solar-power-intro-this-saturday
10/03/2020 @ 07:30:
What: Water Storage and Filtration class with John Galtman
Where: (See link)
Notes: Come to learn about filtering water, and more!
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/152370/water-storage-and-filtration-class
09/26/2020 @ 07:30:
What: Ham radio intro with Sparrow
Where: (See link)
Notes: Come to learn about amateur radio
09/19/2020 @ 07:00:
What: Basic medic training with N0MAD
Where: (See link)
Notes: Come to learn about basic ‘Stop-the-bleed’ type medical techniques
09/13/2020 @ 16:00:
What: Food preservation techniques with John Galtman
Where: (See link)
Notes: Canning, dehydrating, and many other methods for food preservation!
Event Link: https://tucsonamericancontingency.locals.com/post/141373/notes-on-sundays-training
Community Guidelines
Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:
- Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
- Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
- No pornography
- Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
- Relax, be yourself, and enjoy